Passing away of our student due to COVID-19

September 8, 2021

One of our students, who was an international student studying abroad at TUAT and who had been hospitalized due to COVID-19 for over a month, passed away.

I could only imagine that he might have had a hard time in an environment where he could not communicate freely in his native language while studying abroad in Japan; and that his family’s hearts must have been filled with sorrow upon hearing this news. I am deeply saddened that the life of such a young man with a bright future was lost. I would like to express my most heartfelt condolences to his family. May his soul rest in peace.

We at TUAT, together with our students and faculty/administrative staff as a whole, will stay strong and continue the fight against COVID-19 through this difficult time and onward.

CHIBA Kazuhiro
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
