Admission Policy

An introduction to the university's admission policy.

All Graduate School Courses

The graduate schools of TUAT accept a broad range of students from throughout the world who are passionate about obtaining advanced specialized and interdisciplinary knowledge, interested in the development of cutting-edge science and technology, and driven to put their ideas into practice.

Graduate School of Engineering

The Graduate School of Engineering accepts a broad range of students from throughout the world who are interested in the natural environment, science and technology; are always seeking personal development; have a broad range of knowledge; have broad perspectives; have the ability to take action supported by a high degree of independence and solid ethics; and seek to become engineers and researchers who produce results on the global stage.

Graduate School of Agriculture

The Graduate School of Agriculture accepts a broad range of students from throughout the world who seek to contribute to society by producing results as future professionals and researchers in the fields of agricultural science, bioscience and ecoscience, and who meet the university's academic requirements.

Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering

The Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering promotes interdisciplinarity and synergy in the field of bio-applications and systems engineering, and accepts a broad range of students without specific requirements for their fields of specialization and academic history. It accepts a broad range of students from throughout the world who are passionate about obtaining advanced specialized and interdisciplinary knowledge, interested in the development of cutting-edge science and technology, and driven to put their ideas into practice.

United Graduate School of Agricultural Science

Based on the purposes of its education, research and talent development, the United Graduate School of Agricultural Science is looking for the following talent.
The human race is facing dangers on a scale never seen before, including environmental destruction, population increase, and resource depletion. Maintaining the environment in which organisms living on the earth can coexist, securing safe food and resources to support life, and preserving healthy living conditions are necessary to support our “lives and living environment.” Agricultural science is exactly what supports such “lives and living environment”―a comprehensive and important academic field that can help solve these problems. It is not an exaggeration to claim that the21st century is an age of agricultural science.
In order for agricultural science to contribute even more to the survival and well-being of humans, it is essential to cultivate people equipped with advanced research and analysis skills. To meet this social demand, the United Graduate School of Agricultural Science aims to develop as a core doctoral graduate school in Japan and Asia based on education at the master’s courses of agriculture of Utsunomiya University, Ibaraki University, and Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. It also pursues creative and functional education that helps acquire broad vision, advanced expertise, comprehension, insight, and practical application ability and thus produces high-level specialist professionals and scholars who can make holistic judgments and contribute to international society.
Regardless of nationality, students with specialist knowledge and skills in agricultural science and related fields or researchers and engineers already active in society are expected to apply. They should display a strong interest and enthusiasm for their research areas they are supposed to be engaged in.

Department of Industrial Technology and Innovation, Graduate School of Engineering

1. About the Department of Industrial Technology and Innovation
In the midst of the rapidly changing economic conditions of recent years, individuals who can advance innovation in industrial technology are essential to enhancing Japan's international competitiveness. In response to this type of social need, the Department of Industrial Technology and Innovation (professional graduate school) was established in April 2011 with the objective of producing technical experts who will drive industrial technology innovation in Japan. The Department of Industrial Technology and Innovation produces individuals capable of strategically carrying out research and development and product development who have a firm engineering foundation in cutting-edge science and technology and are also knowledgeable in the management of technology (MOT) fields of risk management, intellectual property management, and international standardization.
To produce engineers, researchers and managers capable of making immediate contributions to industrial technology innovation, the Department of Industrial Technology and Innovation offers four specialized courses that are key to learning industrial technology: Bioindustry, Material and Environmental Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering, and Information Processing and Technology. The department serves as a professional graduate school based on and characterized by each field of specialization. To adapt to the backgrounds, needs and specialties of various students and accentuate the unique characteristics of each of them, the department offers two course programs: a technological development practical program geared for new graduates, and a technological development planning program geared for adult students.
The Department of Industrial Technology and Innovation's most significant characteristic is that it is a professional graduate school for learning management of technology that also provides access to the education and research environment of an engineering graduate school. Through comprehensive lectures in the management of technology and industrial innovation, the department produces competitive engineers and researchers who understand management and managers who understand technology while developing their skills in both the management of technology and research and development through cutting-edge engineering research and practical business plan development under the guidance of faculty who are opinion leaders in engineering-related industrial technology fields.

2. Eligible Applicants
New graduates and working adults seeking to learn about science and technology through actual research and development, study the management of technology and, after completing the course, work in research and technological development or proceed to a doctoral course.
Working adults seeking to obtain skills and knowledge in strategic technological development, product development and commercialization that wish to work on management, strategy and planning for companies and other organizations.
