The Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering laboratory Introduction

We introduce the laboratory of Faculty of Engineering and The Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering.

Prof. Yoshiyuki YAMASHITA

Process Systems Engineering Yamashita Lab.

Design and application of smart and dependable process control systems, process monitoring for connected industries, process simulators, and decision support for various process systems.

Prof. Hiroshi TAKIYAMA

Interfacial Chemical Engineering Takiyama Lab.

Research and development of industrial crystallization technology for producing crystalline particles such as pharmaceuticals, foods, battery materials and functional materials.

Professor Hiroko KATORI

Magnetism in Condensed Matter Katori Lab.

Research on phase transition phenomena in magnetic materials, such as geometrically frustrated systems, in which the spin, charge and lattice degrees of freedom are intertwined complexly. Search for novel physical properties and functions in these systems.

Prof. Hiroki MINODA

Quantum Beams Minoda Lab.

Development of transmission electron microscopy and its applications to biological specimens and functional materials in their actual environment.

Prof. Hidehiro KAMIYA

Kamiya Lab.

Prof. Eika W. QIAN

Functional Application of Materials Qian Lab.

Research on production of clean energy and materials from fossil fuels, and biomass. Development of catalysts for high utilization of petroleum to produce clean fuel oil and valuable chemicals. Development of processes and catalysts to produce bio-ethanol and bio-diesel, and bio-materials using catalyst and enzyme from biomass.

Prof. Atsushi AKISAWA

Akisawa Lab.

Prof. Akihiko TERADA

Environmental Bio-Engineering Terada Lab.

Development of bioreactor systems and materials for water/wastewater treatment by controlling complex microbial community in natural environments and control/prevention of biofilms for environmental/medical applications.

Prof. Atsushi HATAKEYAMA

Atomic Processes Hatakeyama Lab.

Experimental studies in atomic, molecular and optical physics on the basis of laser spectroscopy, laser spin polarization, and laser cooling. The physics of atom-surface interactions and its applications to precision measurement and quantum manipulation.

Prof. Wuled LENGGORO

Chemical Energy Engineering Lenggoro Lab.

At the intersection of chemical processing and bio-systems, to address the issues on "green processing" (energy-use or resources), agriculture and health-care fields. Including aerosol technology and powder synthesis for "engineered" or "unwanted" materials systems.

Prof. Yukiko MORI

Physical Information and Communication

The study of the drama and the films from the viewpoint of visual communication. Included are the researches on the audience, the cultural backgrounds, and the development of visualizing techniques.

Prof. Yuichiro NAGATSU

Functional Designing of Materials Nagatsu Lab.

We perform fundamental study of chemically reacting liquid flow and its applied study for environmental and energy fields. Recently, our efforts have been devoted mainly to flow control by chemical reaction and its application to novel method of enhanced oil recovery.

Prof. Chihiro FUSHIMI

Chemical Energy Engineering Fushimi Lab.

Development of a novel high-efficiency gasifier. Development of thermal/biomass power plants that can mitigate fluctuation of power demand and supply. Process development of biochemical production. Efficient utilization of bioenergy by integrating other renewable energy.

Prof. Hiromasa SHIMIZU

Integrated Functional Electronics Shimizu Lab.

Research on integration of dissimilar materials including semiconductors, magnetic materials, macromolecules, biomaterials, highly efficient optical modulations, and highly sensitive sensors, for application to interdisciplinary activities.

Assoc. Prof. Makoto SAKURAI

Chemical Reaction Engineering Sakurai Lab.

Research on the creation and design of the following new reaction field and reaction process. Development of high functional structured catalyst for application to the micro chemical process. Application of fine bubble process to the environmental field. Development of unsteady operation for high efficiency chemical process. Design of new high efficiency energy conversion process by thermochemical cycles.

Assoc. Prof. Hideaki TOKUYAMA

Material Separation Engineering Tokuyama Lab.

Development of functional polymers and gels and process for metal separation, organic compound separation, drug delivery system, etc. Preparation of micro- or nanoparticles and porous materials.

Assoc. Prof. Yoshitaka MORISHITA

Quantum Functions Morishita Lab.

Materials research of III-V compound semiconductors and magnetic semiconductors combined with 3-D photospinic crystals.

Assoc. Prof. Kazuyuki MUROO

Quantum Optics Muroo Lab.

Study on quantum property of non-classical photon states, such as entangled multiphoton states, their interaction with matter, and quantum control of these states.

Assoc. Prof. Hidenori OHASHI

Material Separation Engineering Ohashi Lab.

Functional membrane development and systematic device design in energy and life-science fields based on the molecular transport understanding. (from lithium ion battery, protein refolding, to chemical grafting)

Assoc. Prof. Godai MIYAJI

Quantum Electronics Miyaji Lab.

Experimental study on nonlinear optical interaction process between light and mater with intense femtosecond laser pulses and its application to material nano-processing technique.

Assoc. Prof. Toshihiko KAJI

Organic Electronics Kaji Lab.

Organic electronics and optics. Experimental research on organic electronic devices, such as solar cells, and on nanostructure/crystallinity control of organic thin films.

Assoc. Prof. Susumu INASAWA

Functional Application of Materials Inasawa Lab.

Reaction and drying are commonly-used processes in industrial production. Our main concern is formation kinetics of “solids” in these processes because large production rate generally degrades the quality of products. How to increase production rate of functional materials in an efficient way? That is our target.

Assoc. Prof. Takashi IKEGAMI

Environmental Mechanical Systems Ikegami Lab.

To establish a sustainable energy supply system, large-scale deployment of renewable energy generation, especially photovoltaics (PV) and wind power generation, is expected all over the world. Since it is difficult to store large amounts of electricity, power stations are operated to produce electricity at the time it is needed. PV generation and wind power generation are characterized by seasonal and hourly variations as well as irregular fluctuations caused by changes in the weather. Therefore, we need to solve various technical problems to maintain a stable power supply at the present level. In that, in the local distribution system, we must account for the excessive voltage increase, whereas in the entire power system, we must account for difficulties with the supply-demand balance control or changes in frequency. In our laboratory, we study about home energy management systems (HEMS) to activate residential power demand, as shown in Figure. To achieve a supply-demand balance in future power systems, it is imperative that we should not only apply pumped-storage power generation or large-scale batteries on the supply side but also activate residential power usage, storage, and generation on the demand side. And, we also study social mechanisms contributing to promote HEMS using the methods of system analysis.

Assoc. Prof. Shohei Riya

Environmental Bio-Engineering Riya Lab.

Development of recycling system for agricultural waste or sewage sludge. Waste treatment using anaerobic digestion, and residue processing into soil amendment. Study on nutrient or greenhouse gas dynamics in the soil amended with waste-derived material.

Assoc. Prof. Satria BISRI

Sustainable quantum nanomaterials and devices Satria BISRI Lab.


Senior Assistant Prof. Yi-Ting Chen

Chemical Information and Communication

Empirical studies on the morphology and semantics of linguistic constructions. In particular, corpus-based studies with a focus on the nonarbitrary form-meaning links of constructions from a Cognitive Linguistics perspective.
